A few weeks ago we took a road trip to Arizona. Marcus was working all weekend in Phx ...so the kiddos and I caught up on family time. As an added bonus that same week we had a surprise Birthday party for my father in law...everyone made it ...and on time even...
he's reaction was priceless!
trying to snap a quick pict
Say cheese.......hmm I guess that will do

Grandpa Goodwin's surprise 70th Birthday Party

My kids are not one to watch 6 hours of movies on the drive from Cali to Phx...so I have to be prepared with activities. Fruit loop necklaces = 1 hour of quiet enjoyment for me and the kiddos. They can make them themselves and end up with a fun snack...well worth the mess!
LOVE the fruit loop necklace! I'm going to have to keep that in mind for when we go to Utah in April. :o)
Oh dear, my heart longs for that park! Tommy and I used to take our Sunday strolls there...
I miss Arizona. I'm glad you were able to visit!
So I take it none of those pics turned out of the kids from the park? ...I have one of Ethan smiling while pulling Jax's arm out of socket...haha-not really but it's looks funny.
I'm glad his dad's party went good! What a great surprise it must have been. :)
Hey, you went to Discovery park but didnt stop by and see us? come on, we are right across the street!
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